Category Archives: #TaleIn10

#MyTime Week 12 – Crafting Stories

This week’s #MyTime theme has been a little elusive.  In previous weeks, I was able to select things that had presented themselves to me during the week past or for the week to come.  But this week, well I’ve been doing many of the things that I’ve already noted – seeing family, reading, singing, bottling honey – so I wondered if some of these weeks in the countdown to 60 might be revisiting themes.  That may well be true as I go through the process but I think there is something else that is important for me to capture as a #MyTime theme, and something this website had been established to fulfill.  And that is crafting stories.  I did a year-long Twitter project (#Talein10) to write a tale in ten words each day in an attempt to keep open the story door within lots of time constraints and I haven’t done as much as I would have liked since then but now is the time to set out that intention.

When I have time, I’d like to fill in some of the gaps in my grandfather’s story of The Long Walk and there are many more stories for me to craft, re-discover and tell.

So, #MyTime at minus 29 weeks of my countdown is “Crafting Stories”.

Ready to Begin (again)

With just under a week to the start of the project, a little Haiku in readiness for #MyTime #TaleinTen

One spark. One trigger.
Urgent potential renewed
Heralding the start

Mystery Figure #Haiku #TaleinTen

Mystery Figure
Winter’s lengthened shadows cast
Come Spring, and lightenmystery_figure

A little #Haiku #TaleinTen

There have been a few #TaleinTenpopup entries on Twitter since I completed my #365 #TaleinTen marathon and I’m sure they won’t be the last. It was the joy of hearing our bees buzzing today, in a dying Winter’s afternoon sunshine, that has turned my face to Spring. This time, the bees had something to say to me!

So, here’s a little Haiku to express my delight.

Buzzing awakes me
my long-sleeping Winter self
(such gentle humming)

[I did have a little video clip against this post but since the closure of Vine, it is no longer available – note to self to make sure I capture and future videos locally!]

No365 #365 #TaleIn10

So, you want magic, then magic must be your friend.

Today’s Tale in ten words and it’s the last one

So that’s a full year’s worth of #TaleInTen stories.  If you’ve been reading them, then I hope you’ve enjoyed them.  If you’ve re-tweeted me then I thank you for sharing them.  If you have a response then I’d love to hear from you.

Not sure what’s next so … watch this space.

#365 #TaleIn10 drawing to a close

Today’s tale will be the last in a year-long series of stories penned (and tweeted) daily in just ten words.  It’s been an interesting process and has been my way of “keeping the writing door open” whilst I simply cannot make the time to do more right now.

Some the tales might be good starters or at least primers for future story-crafting so they may re-surface buffed-up and polished.

Right now I cannot say if I shall be silent for a while after my last #365 #TaleIn10 or whether it’ll spark a new project.  But I am content – for now at least – to wait, and see …

No364 #365 #TaleIn10

(The Psychologist’s message, told in incomplete pictures, suggested we wait.)

Today’s Tale in ten words – and the penultimate tale of the year-long series of stories

No363 #365 #TaleIn10

English Winter chill
Remembrance from seedlings form
Beckon Spring Awake

Today’s Tale in ten words and a Haiku thrown in for good measure!

No362 #365 #TaleIn10

Tick tock tick tock.
Shared messages of love from Sylvia.

Today’s Tale in ten words

Well, I’m sure today’s story goes deeper than even I know.  Pleased to be part of a musical arrangement at choir this evening inspired by the words of a poet and shared with a companion of voices.

No361 #365 #TaleIn10

Seeking their past, not knowing it’d yield a new future.

Today’s Tale in ten words