Emergence from the mist, that most pure of dragon’s breath.
Today’s Tale in ten words
Emergence from the mist, that most pure of dragon’s breath.
Today’s Tale in ten words
Each face grown familiar; characters etched into memory.
(Story revealed.)
Today’s Tale in ten words
Taxi driver convinced by “Yes” campaign, concerned Fear votes “No”
Monday’s Tale in ten words
Accents different. Future unclear. Newspapers speculate. Independence vote changes things.
Sunday’s Tale in ten words
The quiet solemnity of the reading space was their remembrance
Today’s Tale in ten words
They were calculating, but hadn’t accounted for that. People power!
Today’s Tale in ten words
A forgotten song refound and kindled into flame. Harmonies soar.
Today’s Tale in ten words
A new day heralding a new future, new friendships too
Today’s Tale in ten words
Muscles weakened by immobility, her mind races and spirit soars
Today’s Tale in ten words
She retreated under attack and he re-built their home, calmly
Today’s Tale in ten words